Hello Puggies and Doggies!
We sure haven't been updating like we wanted to. There have been so many things going on and new changes since our last post. I turned 2 at the end of July....see my lovely pup cake from Frostings Etc. in Tampa. They make the best human and dog cupcakes ever. Mommies favorite is the champagne pear...we need to get a pick of that one! Heaven in your mouth!

I got this one all over the floor!
Mommie got a new camera, so she should be taking better pictures BOL! She did take a beginners photo class at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts in Tampa. She entered one of her pieces in the Student Showcase and it got picked to be in the museum for awhile...she didn't win anything, but was super excited to even be chosen! Here is the pic below.

Mommie is in love with her Kitchen Aid Mixer, Daddie got it for her last Christmas!
Mommie and I have become obsessed with ETSY!!! It is a great site to buy and sell homemade crafts and art. We have been thinking for a long time about opening a store and well we finally did! We opened in August and it has been taking most of our time trying to figure all the ins and outs. We are super excited to report we have even made some sales our first month! Mommie and I are working on putting up a widget so you can see what we have. Our name is Hug A Pug Studios....named of course after mommies love of pugs!!! We sell custom dog and cat tags. We try to keep them funny and unique. If you like check out our shop Hug A Pug Studios. It is amazing to see what all there is on etsy and hopefully starting soon we will feature other shops and items from etsy. Were thinking maybe do some features of favorites, treasuries, and new shops on etsy. Mommie and I are big shoppers, you should see my toy bin. **Note to self take picture of overflowing toy bin for blog** We aren't kidding. Mommie says I need to donate some to charity because I have too many. I said there is no such thing as too many!!!!
In other news we are sad to report Daddie did not pass the bar back in February, but that's okay because we hear most people don't pass the first time. He has already taken the bar again and were waiting to hear back in late September. Were keeping our paws crossed! We love you daddie!
Well Puggies I think we have talked your ears off long enough for today so were excited to be blogging again. Hope to hear how all you other puggies, doggies and kitties are doing and can't wait to catch up!