Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pug Has Photos Taken

Hello Puggeies!

I recently got sprung from the doggie hotel, where mommy and daddy dropped me off along with Uncle Jake while they jetted off to Colorado for a ski trip. They forgot a crucial little package with them a.k.a. me! They even saw a big handicap helper lab dog in the plane, I totally could have fit under the seat in front of them. Anywhos when they came back I had made tons of friends and a couple of girlfriends during puppy daycare. Uncle Jake didn't have as much fun as I did. I gained weight and he lost five pounds! Here is a pic of mommy and daddy withouts me :(

In other recent news I recently participated in a Pug Parade in Sarasota. I entered a contest with a costume mommy made for me. I went as a hunting pug, I didn't win anything but I did get my picture taken and I was in a newspaper. Mommy and Daddy made friends with another couple who had a lovely pug and pit. They are sending us the picture in the paper so we can see it. I will have to upload more pics of costume when mommy decides to upload my pics.

I do have however some nice pictures taken by my Daddies friend. They are professionally done!

Pretty spiffy I do say so myself!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Hi!! We found your blog on raguspug and came over to say Hi!! Love these pictures--especially the bowtie one!! Love, Daisy and Oscar