Recently we received our very first bloggy award from our friend Amanda and her pug Oisin all the way in Ireland...mommie says its very green over there...sounds like lots of places for me to mark on. Thanks Amanda for the award we are sorry it took so long for us to put it up.

In other news yesterday mommie got a call at work from Daddie and I. Daddie somehow managed to lock us outside of the house while we were taking a potty break! Mommie had to leave work to come let us back in! Daddie at least had a robe to cover himself with, I only had my birthday suit! What are the neighbors going to think! Mommie of course captured the moment.
Let us back in !
Mommie and Daddie bought a new bedspread for my King bed of course. The King Pug now looks like a real Royal! Don't you think?