Thursday, October 29, 2009

Da Pug Crawl

I likes to do da crawl!


Dexter said...

You are faster crawling than I am walking. Good to see you do a nice stretch after your workout.


Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Ditch you are so funny crawling!

dw said...

Dutch, you a funny crawler, you goofball!! Cute, but goofy!!

Oakley and Swisher said...

BOL! Is that a pug thing? I do it but my brother doesn't Mom calls it my army crawl.

Lots of Licks--

Archie and Melissa said...

Dutch, you are the cutest puggy ever!~

happy happy halloweenie!

m & e

Sandy said...

That looks like fun..especially with carpet on the floor.

The name of the restaurant is Global Grill and it's on Palafox Street downtown. It's so so good.

Oisín said...

Oisín gave you guys an award! Check it out on his Blog! :)

Manda x

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

How Cool! where did you learn this trick? do you get treats when you do it? I've never crawled but I am eager to learn!