Ohh boy Puggies!
Its been too long and I've had tons of adventures to start telling you about. I did make it to pugsgiving a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing!!! I meet so many other pugs and was ogled by everyone there! My mommy and daddy couldn't get through the crowd without ohhs and ahhs how cute is he!!! People wanted my picture I was even on captured on video by the reporter man! I am a star indeed! Well I was getting so much attention I forget about my costume contest appearance, its okay I have to give some face time to my subjects so it was okay. Mommy was a little disappointed she didn't win any raffles :( and so was I, I need more treats around this joint. I did participate in the relay race, but I was so distracted by the other huge pugs that I choose to spice things up a little and distract other puggies in the race. Well here are some pics from my big day...
Look this pug even had is own transportation

Little kids love me and I love them, they are my size.

Yes I will pose for a photo op.

Look at this pugs Bucks jersey, pretty sweet....mommy will Santa bring me Gators jersey for Christmas?

I even got a cookie, by the end of the day I was one tired little puggie, I passed out in the car ride home.